Monday, April 03, 2006

Nostalgic Flashbacks

The wind was really sweeping off the plains today, as the 30mph rain-filled gusts blew my hair sometimes straight up, it made me think of the head scarves my mom, aunts and grandmother's used to wear. I wonder, what made those become so outre? So many things seem to have become that way. I did a lot of things I now miss when my children were young, but even then I seemed to be out of the ordinary. Hmmmm, maybe just feeling nostalgic.

Sunday Dinner at Granma's House

Easter Bonnets

Reading Aloud to My Kids

Sunday Afternoon Drives


Phil said...

Is that you in the top picture? It seems a shame to hide your beautiful face and hair like that.

Ruby Blathergab said...

I still love that iconic image of the lady in the convertable, scarf artfully tied around the head and neck, big Jackie-O sunglasses....nostalgia's not a bad thing really...It's a little mental postcard from the past that keeps us connected to all the times in our lives.