Sunday, April 16, 2006

My Easter Blessing

Ever have one of those weeks in which you felt completely worn down? Nothing seemed right? This past week was one for me, each day seemed to add to the other, not getting better, but worse.
But one small thing can make everything better, I had that today. I spent the afternoon with the most beautiful girl, she made my day, my week, my month. Holding her, playing with her, feeding her, even changing was all so good.


plan0 said...

Holding Baby Girl is what keeps me going, it's so revitalizing. Happy Easter :)

The Village Idiot said...

very cute kidlet...almost cute enough to make we want to have another...I said ALMOST

Sunny Delight said...

plano--it is amazing how the utter vulnerability of a small one can put things in perspective, Hope your Easter was a good one.

v i--know what you mean, it is an ALMOST, great for the day, or even a few days, but no matter how great it was to spend time with the young ones, don't think I want to start it all over again.

Phil said...

I'm not sure which is the more beautiful girl in that picture ; )

Sunny Delight said...

phil--you are a sweetie, and a flatterer--thank you

Ruby Blathergab said...

what a sweet baby! :)